Richman Hiring

Get Hired 5 to 30 Qualified Drivers Every Month With No Effort And Guaranteed Results!
If you are an owner, founder, hr manager of a trucking company - request a free 30 minutes consultation to find out the ways you can help your company to grow
Did you know that there are approximately 1.9 million trucking carriers in the United States? 91.5% of trucking carriers in the U.S. operate with only a few trucks. And they never grow above 6 trucks during their whole existence period.
Here's A Brief Outline Of What We'll
Cover In Your Free Phone Call Session
  • Why You Are Not Growing Even If You Spend A Lot of Money
    The fact that you spend a lot of money on your recruiting does not mean that you will get a lot of results. Money is not the only aspect in attracting drivers to your company.
  • How To Cover Your Empty Trucks And Get New Ones
    You will find out how to get your empty trucks covered and not loose any more money on their rental payments. As well as you can get new trucks to fill them with drivers.
  • What Are The Main Aspects Drivers Pay Attention First
    We will show you the main things the new applicants pay attention to in the first place. By knowing them and making them better will increase your driver flow many times.
  • Why Your Applicants Don't Trust Your Company
    The trust factor is one of the main parts of the business. That's not a secret that a driver feels a little hesitant when applying to your company. We will share with you the reasons why it happens and how to reduce it.
  • How To Make Your Drivers Stay With Your Company Longer
    We will share with you the tips that will help you to develop a system and organize your company the way drivers fall in love with it.

You Are Here Probably Because You:

  • You Are a New Company
    You are a new company and you don't know where to search for qualified drivers, find them and get them hired.
  • You Have More Drivers Leaving Your Company Than You Are Hiring
    You are a fully established carrier company that has been on the market for a while, but your recruiting department is not up to the task because you have more drivers leaving your company than you can hire.
  • You Are Not Growing As Fast As You Would Like To
    You have your own recruiting department or you do the whole recruiting yourself. But, the number of hires is just enough to cover the losses, or you feel that you are growing too slowly and it will take you years to get to your first 100 trucks.
Luckily For You There Is A Solution
Richman Hiring helps mid-sized trucking companies to grow by hundreds of trucks by hiring drivers and managing their organizations the right way. So you can hire 5 to 30 drivers every month and develop a system that will help you to keep your drivers longer and build your brand awareness so truckers will want to work for you.
But don't just take our words for it
Take a look at some of our partners
And Here Is What Drivers Say About Us
Get Hired 5 to 30 Qualified Drivers Every Month With No Effort And Guaranteed Results!
  • Get your trucks filled with drivers as soon as 30 days.

  • Get enough drivers to put them on lane hauls.

  • Get drivers hired without searching for them.

  • Get drivers hired without posting a single post on job boards.
  • Get your drivers hired without cold calling.
  • Get hired the drivers who are already fully qualified to the position you offer.
  • Get the drivers hired without following up with them in between the steps.
Here Is What You Get By Partnering With Richman Hiring
5-30 Qualified Drivers Every Month

Pricing: Discussed
Handout: System That Will Make Your Drivers Want To Work With You
Pricing: FREE Bonus
Handout: Increase Your Brand Awareness And Build Trust Among Drivers
Pricing: FREE Bonus
100% No Risk Guarantee
Richman Hiring Offers a 100% No Risk Guarantee. The guarantee promises that no upfront payment or any kind of a marketing budget will be required in order to start the cooperation with us. You only pay per result achieved.
Here Is What May Happen If You Don't Decide To Take Action Right Now
  • 1
    You will keep on hiring just enough to cover the drivers who left the company. It may lead to your company not growing at all for the next few years.
  • 2
    Your company will slowly grow but remain anonymous in the trucking industry because of its small size.
  • 3
    If you don't have a recruiting department at all or you have more drivers leaving your company than you can hire, it may lead to shutting down and closing the doors of your business forever.
Claim A Free 30 Minutes Phone Call To Find Out How To Hire 5 to 30 Qualified Drivers Every Month With No Effort And Guaranteed Results!
In order to keep the quality of our services high, Richman Hiring at the moment accepts only 3 new companies each new month. Please fill out the form below and our representative will contact you after reviewing your application.